Experiment with air and CO₂ to learn about the greenhouse effect .
Learn about Eunice Foote and her work with climate science and the greenhouse effect. Then, conduct your own experiments to test out her theory and make the connection between the increase of CO2 and climate change. Finally, consider ways to mitigate climate change through individual, local and global actions.
Part of the Women in STEM, past and present unit
Start the activity by having a class discussion about amazing women who have contributed to STEM throughout history, or complete the Innovations from women in history activity.
Finish by imagining what could have happened in the world if Eunice Foote had been given a voice, more education, and resources to continue her studies on climate science. Could she have influenced our attitudes toward pollution and climate?
Questioning and Predicting
Planning and Conducting
Personal Development
Connections to Community
Career-life development
Connections to Community
See the Women in STEM, past and present unit for a marking rubric to help assess student success in all activities in this unit.
General observations:
These teaching notes include more information on the following topics:
According to the American Physical Society, in 1856 Eunice Newton Foote concluded that carbon dioxide could warm the atmosphere, three years before John Tyndall did. In 1856, Foote conducted a series of experiments, using cylinders each with a thermometer inside, and each filled with different gases and gaseous mixtures — moist air, dry air, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and hydrogen, then placed them in the sun and charted how the gases warmed. The cylinder containing carbon dioxide warmed the most, she noted, and stayed at its high temperature for a long time after she took it out of the sun.
1. Save energy at home
2. Change your home's source of energy
3. Walk, bike or take public transport
4. Switch to an electric vehicle
5. Consider your travel
6. Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle
7. Eat more vegetables
8. Throw away less food
9. Plant native species
10. Clean up your environment
11. Make your money count
12. Speak up
B.C. is powered by water
In B.C., we have a unique advantage. The province’s natural landscape has allowed us to generate and deliver clean, renewable power to our customers for decades. And as we look to the future, we have an ambitious goal to do more.
Our plan to electrify B.C.
We’ll be instrumental in building a sustainable economy in B.C. We’ll continue to support conservation efforts, while also offering new programs and incentives to help British Columbians make the switch from fossil fuels to clean hydroelectricity to power their homes, businesses, and vehicles. We’ll also help to attract new energy-intensive industries to B.C. and offer programs to reduce the time and costs for new customers to get connected to our grid.
Our goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the province by 900,000 tonnes per year by April 2026 – that’s around the same as taking 200,000 gas-powered cars off the road for one year. Our Electrification Plan outlines how we’ll get there.
We want to ensure that we’re providing activities your class will enjoy. Please let us know what you think about this activity by leaving us your feedback.