
Let it rain

Taste, sight, touch, smell and sound. Explore our five senses and draw a picture of where rain comes from.

Activity Image
20 mins


What does rain feel like? How does it smell? Explore the five senses and access what we already know about rain. Use a drawing exercise to make predictions about where rain comes from and where it goes.


What you'll need

  • “Let it rain” slideshow
  • “Let it rain” worksheet

  1. Show students the “Let it rain” slideshow.
    • Slide 1: Think about a time when it rained. On the playground, walking in the woods with your family or inside on a cold day. Describe a memorable experience in the rain to a partner.
    • Slide 2: What did the rain look like?
    • Slide 3: What did it feel like? Did the rain fall on your hands or face?
    • Slide 4: Have you ever tried to catch the rain on your tongue? How does it taste?
    • Slide 5: Imagine the sound of rain on the road. On the grass. On the roof of your house.
    • Slide 6: How does it smell when it’s raining? Does it smell different in the forest or on the grass than on the roads?
  2. Give everyone the “Let it rain” worksheet. Ask students to think about rain, how they have experienced it and draw a picture of where they think rain comes from.
    • After a few minutes, have them add more detail to their picture. Ask how they think rain gets in the clouds? What happens to it after it lands on the ground?
    • In pairs, have students share their picture and explain where rain comes from and where it goes.

Modify or extend this activity


  • Have students generate questions they have about rain and precipitation. Take them outside when it’s raining and have them record their observations.
  • Watch the "Power of falling water" to show rain's role in the water cycle and how we generate electricity in B.C.

Curriculum Fit

Grade 2 Science


  • Water sources including local watersheds
  • Water cycle

Curricular competencies

Questioning and predicting
  • Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the world
  • Observe objects and events in familiar contexts
  • Make simple predictions about familiar objects and events
Planning and conducting
  • Make and record observations
Processing and analyzing data and information
  • Compare observations with predictions through discussion
  • Communicate observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing or role-play


  • Assess students’ participation in class discussions.
  • Assess students’ ability to communicate observations and predictions in partner work.


Select the materials you require for this activity or download all

Let It Rain Worksheet

116.9 kb pdf

Let It Rain Slideshow

1.3 mb pdf

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