Chemistry 11
Big Idea:
- Matter and energy are conserved in chemical reactions.
- Reactions
- Local and other chemical processes
- Green chemistry
Curricular competencies
Questioning and predicting
- Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal, local, or global interest
- Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions, including increasingly abstract ones, about the natural world
Processing and analyzing data and information
- Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence
- Analyze cause-and-effect relationships
- Demonstrate an awareness of assumptions, question information given, and identify bias in their own work and in primary and secondary sources
- Consider the changes in knowledge over time as tools and technologies have developed
- Consider social, ethical, and environmental implications of the findings from their own and others’ investigations
- Assess risks in the context of personal safety and social responsibility
Applying and innovating
- Contribute to finding solutions to problems at a local and/or global level through inquiry
- Implement multiple strategies to solve problems in real-life, applied, and conceptual situations
- Communicate scientific ideas and information, and perhaps a suggested course of action, for a specific purpose and audience, constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions, and representations
Assess your students’ ability to:
- Apply their understanding of the Law of Conservation of Mass to a real-world situation such as waste management.
- Recognize the importance of science in developing environmentally-friendly solutions that do not compromise quality of life standards.
- Provide scientific evidence to support their rankings.
- Use appropriate vocabulary and concepts including, Law of Conservation of Energy, energy consumption versus waste production, and hydrolysis reactions.