
Electrical Safety Week

Coming back 2025

A province-wide initiative to make students aware of electricity hazards.

Safety street scene

Electrical Safety Week empowers 9,000 young British Columbians

Each year, teachers and parents from across B.C. make our province a safer place by delivering a powerful lesson on electrical safety.

With your help, over 9,000 students now have the power to respond safely to a potentially hazardous situation. Knowing when to call 911, the importance of staying back 10 metres from a downed line, and understanding how to shuffle away from danger are all important tools that shouldn't be taken for granted.

Electrical Safety Week will be back next year, but safety is a message we can drive home any day of the year with ready-to-deliver, curriculum-connected classroom activities.

Check out a few of the Electrical Safety Pledges signed by students and youth promising to keep themselves, their friends and their family safe from electrical hazards below.

Reactions from our community

Teachers are talking about Power Smart for Schools

On Electrical Safety Week:

"The students seemed to not only learn about electrical safety (and the real world benefits of having this knowledge), but also really enjoyed the videos and elements of competition."

On Electrical Safety Week:

"The French videos and resources were a hit."

On Electrical Safety Week:

"The classes found that the videos held attention and were entertaining. They were happy to have knowledge that could save their lives in a real life emergency situation."


About Electrical Safety Week

Don’t miss out on this annual initiative to promote electrical safety awareness that gives your students the tools to spot a hazard and know exactly what to do to stay safe.

Coming soon

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