Conservation New

Stay cool in the summer

Save water and electricity during the warmer weather, and make a fan to keep cool.

Activity Image
35 mins
Hands on


In this activity students complete a story to save electricity, water and the fish and make a fan to keep cool in summer. 

Part of the Hydroelectricity and water use unit.


What you'll need

  • Laptop, projector and screen 
  • Save water and electricity story slideshow 
  • Make a fan student handout, print one per student
  • Coloured markers or pencils, one set per student
  • Tape

  1. Start by reviewing that in B.C. we make most of our electricity using the power of moving water, and sometimes in the summer we have drought affects our reservoirs used for energy generation. Consider doing the first activities in this unit, Drought in our province and The recipe for electricity in B.C. before continuing with this activity.

  2. Pull up the Save water and electricity story slideshow and at slide 2, share that ‘Bo’ is a bear who needs some help figuring out how to save water and electricity in the summer. Explain that Bo wants to make sure all living things have the water they need to survive including people like us who use it for things like drinking and brushing teeth and making electricity to power our lights. Tell students that you will read part of the story and invite them to answer the question on each slide.

  3. At slide 3, Bo the bear is brushing his teeth. Invite students to finish the sentence about what Bo could do in this situation. They may have ideas like Bo could turn off the tap when brushing his teeth.

  4. At slide 4, Bo bear is having a bath. Invite students to finish the sentence about what Bo could in this situation. They may have ideas like filling the bath only half full or taking a short shower less than five minutes instead of a bath. On a hot summer day they could even take a cold bath or shower to save electricity and cool down.

  5. At slide 5, Bo walks into an empty room with all the lights on. Ask the class what he should do to save energy, and they may say to turn all the lights off. To take it a step further, they could add that the heat or air conditioning can be turned off if it's on.
  6. At slide 6, Bo walks into a room with the sun shining in and it's very warm. Invite students to make recommendations about how he can cool the room down and save energy. They may have ideas like closing the curtains or blinds to block the sun from coming in. 

  7. At slide 7 Bo is using the oven in summer heats up the room. Invite students to finish the sentence about what Bo could do in this situation. They may have ideas like eating something cold like ice cream instead of baking a pie.

  8. At slide 8 Bo sees someone watering grass in the middle of the day. Invite students to finish the sentence about what Bo could do in this situation. They may have ideas like watering early in the morning so sun does not evaporate the water or not watering the grass at all so just goes brown and sleeps coming back green in Fall.

  9. At slide 9 Bo thanks students for their help. Invite them to think of other ways to save water and electricity in a drought. They may have ideas like washing clothes and dishes only when there’s a full load, only washing clothes that are dirty and turning off the tap when washing their hands.

  10. Share with students that we just learned a lot of ways to save electricity and water in a drought. Now let’s put some ideas into action. There are lots of different ways of cooling down instead of using air conditioning. Tell students we are going to make a paper fan so that we’re prepared to stay cool and save electricity when we need to!

  11. Hand out the Make a fan handout, one copy to each student. Invite them to share how the young people are staying cool on a hot day like they are sitting in the shade of a tree, wearing hats, drinking water to stay hydrated and using the fan to create a breeze.

  12. Have students colour the image on the front of the fan and on the back make a pledge to save water or electricity. Have students think of their own and/or write a couple on the board for students to choose from and copy. Pledges could be “I will turn off the lights when I leave a room” or “I will turn off the tap when brushing my teeth”.

  13. Now together make the fan by folding the paper along the fold lines accordion style (folding first one way and then turning over the paper and folding again). Continue till the whole piece is folded. Then fan out the paper and tape at the bottom.  

  14. Use your fan to keep cool!

Modify or extend this activity

  • Make a chart showing the students pledges with dates and have them track their success over a period of time. 
  • Have students write a story with further ways to save water and electricity starring their favourite creature.

Curriculum Fit

Science 2 

Big Ideas
  • Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment.
  • Water conservation
  • The water cycle
Curricular Competencies

 Processing and analyzing data and information

  • Experience and interpret the local environment


  • Compare observations with those of others 

 Applying and innovating

  • Take part in caring for self, family, classroom and school through personal approaches

Socials 2 

Big Ideas
  • Individuals have rights and responsibilities as global citizens.
  • Rights and responsibilities of individuals regionally and globally. 
  • Responsibility to the environment
Curricular competencies
  • Recognize the causes and consequences of events, decisions, or developments


  • Assess students’ collaboration in working collectively to complete the story.
  • Assess students’ understanding of how saving water and electricity helps all living things.
  • Assess students’ creativity and dexterity in making the paper fans.

Teaching Notes

BC Hydro Electricity saving tips

Check out this link to learn about saving electricity in your home but staying comfortable. Some strategies include:

Heating and cooling:

  • Set your thermostat lower at night and when not at home.
  • Draft proof your windows and doors and seal gaps and cracks.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioning when you can.

Electronics and kitchen:

  • Unplug items not being used, because they still use energy when plugged in. 
  • Consider using small cooking appliances like toaster ovens and slow cookers rather than turning on the oven.


  • Make sure clothes need to be washed before putting them in the laundry.
  • Wash with cold water. This saves water and also helps reduce plastic fibres from clothing washing down the drain. 
  • Hang laundry to dry. 
  • Clean the lint trap so that the dryer works better.


  • Switch to LED light bulbs. They are 75% more efficient than traditional light bulbs. 
  • Turn off unused lights. 
  • Consider using sensors, dimmers, or smart switches to control lights.

Staying cool in summer 

  • Avoid being outside in the hottest part of the day.
  • Seek shade to stay cool when it's sunny out.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat lighter meals and use the oven less often.
  • Limit physical activity to cooler parts of the day.
  • Keep your home cool by closing blinds in the morning for east facing windows and evening for west facing windows.
  • Find a cool places to hangout on hot days, like the library.


Select the materials you require for this activity or download all

Make A Fan Handout

209.3 kb pdf

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