Exploring actions to effectively reduce light pollution in our communities.
In this activity, students explore sources of light in their communities and think about how light scatters in ways that can cause light pollution. Students collaborate to use criteria to propose three useful actions that can most significantly reduce light pollution in their own communities.
Display the criteria for an effective action to reduce light pollution for use throughout the rest of this activity.
Here are a few websites that might help your students get started:
Throughout the activity, consider how well students:
This activity assumes students have a working knowledge of light pollution.
To learn more about light pollution please visit the following websites:
To learn more about solutions for reducing light pollution, please visit the following websites:
BC Hydro owns and maintains over 90,000 street lights attached to our poles located across the province. Over the next two to three years, we'll be replacing these with energy-efficient LEDs. Learn more about BC Hydro's Street light replacement project.
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