Grade 9 Mathematics
Big idea
- Continuous linear relationships can be identified and represented in many connected ways to identify regularities and make generalizations.
- Two-variable linear relations, using graphing, interpolation, and extrapolation
Curricular competencies
Reasoning and analyzing
- Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas
- Estimate reasonably
Understanding and solving
- Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations
- Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving
Communicating and representing
- Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions
- Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions
- Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways
Connecting and reflecting
- Reflect on mathematical thinking
- Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests
- Use mathematical arguments to support personal choices
Assess your students’ abilities to:
- Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions (e.g., increasing, decreasing, domain, range, slope, steepness, ordered pairs, clusters, linear regression, and x-intercept).