It’s been another awesome year for the Power Smart for Schools community.
Below are 3 special moments that stood out to us:
1. Over 100 classrooms duked it out in the first Boost your Power Smarts quiz competition
You caught the competitive spirit during the first annual Boost your Power Smarts quiz. Over 100 classrooms went head-to-head in a display of electricity and energy conservation know-how.

"We have had lots of fun doing the quizzes, it has really added to my electricity unit this term."
“Blakey’s Lightning Minds” from Cayoosh Elementary in Lillooet took home the grand prize this time around but the title's open for the taking again this Fall.
2. We got to meet you in person
It’s fun to compete online, but we also made a greater effort to meet you face-to-face. Thanks to all the principals, teachers, and students that welcomed us into their schools and classrooms this past year.

Whether it was a large assembly about electrical safety or a small classroom presentation about energy conservation, It’s been great meeting you all.
Interested in having us? Fill out our request form and we’ll try our best to visit.
3. A powerful focus on safety
This year’s Electrical Safety Day was our biggest one ever, with thousands of students now holding the power to stay safe if they ever encounter a real-life electrical hazard.

Surprised students at Marion Schilling Elementary found their way around a pop-up safety maze at their school, encountering important safety messaging throughout.
Have an awesome summer
Have a safe and re-energizing summer. Take the time to enjoy the break but we’ll be here to listen if you have ideas to share.
When you start your lesson-planning for Fall, be sure to check out our always-available activities and lessons for fresh ideas.