Grade 9 Science
- Voltage, current and resistance
- Circuits
Curricular competencies
Questioning and predicting
- Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
- Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions, including increasingly complex ones, about the natural world
Planning and conducting
- Collaboratively and individually plan, select, and use appropriate investigation methods, including field work and lab experiments, to collect reliable data (qualitative and quantitative)
- Select and use appropriate equipment, including digital technologies, to systematically and accurately collect and record data
- Ensure that safety and ethical guidelines are followed in their investigations
Processing and analyzing data and information
- Seek and analyze patterns, trends, and connections in data, including describing relationships between variables (dependent and independent) and identifying inconsistencies
- Analyze cause-and-effect relationships
- Evaluate their methods and experimental conditions, including identifying sources of error or uncertainty, confounding variables, and possible alternative explanations and conclusions
- Describe specific ways to improve their investigation methods and the quality of the data
Applying and innovating
- Transfer and apply learning to new situations
- Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving
- Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon
“Solving Ohm’s Law” worksheet answer key:
1. A smartphone with a resistance of 35 ohms has a current of 0.25 amps flowing through it. Sketch a circuit diagram and calculate how many volts supply the smart phone.
- V= I x R
- = 0.25 A x 35 Ω
- = 8.75 V
2. A 120-volt power source supplies a computer with a resistance of 210 ohms. What is the current flow of the circuit?
- I = V/R
- = 120 V/ 210 Ω
- = 0.57 A
3. Calculate the resistance of the following circuit diagram:

- R= V/I
- = 3 V/ 100 A
- = 0.03 Ω
4. What amount of voltage would you need to run a current of 1.2 amps through a 250-ohm resistor?
- V = I x R
- = 1.2 A x 250Ω
- = 300V
5. Using the given variables, calculate the unknown value:
- a. V = 10 V R = 5 Ω I = 2 A
- b. V = 3.5 V R = 10 Ω I = 0.35 A or 350 mA
- c. V = 10 V I = 2 A R = 5 Ω
- d. V = 3.5 V I = 0.5 A R = 7 Ω
- e. I = 11 A R= 3 Ω V = 33 V
- f. I = 7 A R = 4.5 Ω V = 31.5 V